Home For The Elderly in Sri Lanka

“Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.”‭‭ James‬ ‭1:27‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

In the central region of Sri Lanka, in a very remote village , Pastor Mahinda and his family is taking care of elderly for several years. His own mother is also part of this home. He is doing it out of pure love for the elderly who were abandoned or neglected from their own family members due to various reasons.  Several years ago, he came across a woman laying near the road side without anyone to help. She brought her home and thus began this home for the elderly now known the LEGACY HOME.  Over the years many found comfort under his care in this home. Many have died in this home and pastor Mahinda and his family made sure they have proper burial.  From their daily nutrition needs to all medical needs been taken care of by Pastor Mahinda. He does its with a smile. 

Our organization is now partnering with Pastor Mahinda and working towards to making the LEGACY HOME as an oasis for many elderly. Our first goal is to help the current members to get proper food, nutrition and regular medical help. Provide financial assistance for the monthly needs including assigning proper staff.  The next phase is to build a proper facility for the elderly to thrive in this home and make their final days as comfortable and joyful as we can.

We invite you to  join us in this mission of helping the elderly to find place to call a home and a family .



Leader: Mahinda Silva

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