Helping Children In The Rural Communities To Continue Their Education

GOAL: $80,000.00

RAISED: $67,231.70

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Beginning of a school can be very stressful for the people in many countries of Asia, especially in the rural India. Every June, parents struggle to send their children to school with necessary school supplies. This is also the season of the monsoon in India. This means no work and no money for the parents. This adds tremendous stress on the poor families. Many families decide not to send their children to school and later force them work with them in the farm or factory. We believe every child must attend school and complete their High School education.

This is why Wisdom For Asia is helping families with necessary school supplies to send their children to school. Through Wisdom For Asia’s Back To School Outreach, hundreds of children in India are still attending school. Through this outreach we provide the necessary school supplies for the children to continue to attend school.

Every school year, we would like to provide school supplies to a minimum of 3,000 children who would like to continue their education but cannot afford to buy the required supplies for school. With only $25 we can buy all they need to complete an entire year of school. This $25 will interrupt the poverty cycle and give children a second chance to receive a life-changing education. Every qualified student will get the following:

  • A quality Back Pack
  • Minimum 10 Notebooks ( in some cases more books as required)
  • Pair of black Shoes
  • Pencils and Pens (mostly 3 to 5 pencils and pen in each pack)
  • Pencil box
  • Eraser
  • Umbrella
  • Lunch box or a Steel plate (some schools provide lunch)
  • Water Bottle
  • Geometry box (for high school students)

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