Hygiene Supplies to Improve Health of the Children

GOAL: $50,000.00

RAISED: $14,542.72

Donate to Arukah Box Project

The word “ARUKAH” is a Hebrew word and it means “restoration to health.” It is our desire to restore the health of a child in every way possible.

It is common to see villagers in south east Asia walking without shoes. Due to financial hardships, even flip-flops (sandals) are considered a luxury. Children walk miles on their bare feet. They face dangers like lacerations, fungus, and insect bites that can lead to infection, disease, and even death. Our workers&n bsp;have identified hundreds of children and their parents who walk barefoot and are at risk of life threatening diseases. Providing flip flops and educating them about the consequences of not wearing foot wear could often save many lives. Each Arukah Box contains:

  • Pair of flip-flops
  • Children’s book
  • Tooth Brush and Toothpaste
  • Tongue Cleaner
  • Soap
  • Detergent Soap
  • Shampoo
  • Hair Oil
  • Sweet treats (Food items)

Our goal is to provide this from one time to regularly through our partner organization in each villages. Cost of this box is approximately $15. You can be a part of this project with one time financial help or ongoing monthly support.

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